XY Couples Test

Are you in a romantic relationship? Do you have a good Basic ConneXion with your partner? Try our Visual Basic Couples Test free for a limited time. In minutes, you “visually” see where you and your partner stand on the very basic need for communication and intimacy. You will also find out how much WORK needs to be done and whether you might need professional help. We have coaches ready to help if you need them!

Interactive Personality FAQ

What is Interactive Personality?

Interactive Personality is a way to explain your needs in a relationship. Your results state how much communication and intimacy you need from your partner, plus connectivity and interactivity in the expanded tests.

Why is knowing my Interactive Personality type important?

One of the most common causes of conflict and disconneXion in romantic relationships is partners not meeting each other’s relational needs. This test helps you to not only learn your needs but also provides you with a way to explain your needs to your partner, so they can start to meet your needs in the way you need them to or negotiate the differences.

Is it possible for Interactive Personality to change?

Interactive Personality is fluid! We suggest retaking the test after big life changes, traumatic events, or going through therapy or counseling.

Is it free?

Yes! The Basic match test for couples is completely free. If you want more in-depth results about your relationship, paid tests are available.

Does my partner have to take the test?

It is suggested that your partner take the test. However, we have a Partner Perception test if your partner is unwilling or reluctant to take the test.