Researcher Information:
Researcher Name: Dr. John Jacob
Affiliation: XY ConneXion
Contact Information: (840) 800-2080
Purpose of the Study:
The purpose of this research study is to investigate the effect that engaging in a
relationship needs assessment has on individual decision-making regarding relationship
health. Your participation in this study will contribute valuable insights to the field of
relationship dynamics and support systems.
Study Procedures:
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to:
Complete a relationship needs assessment questionnaire
Either complete an assessment about your partner or ask your partner to take a
relationship assessment.
Reflect on the assessment results individually.
Your participation will require approximately 15 minutes and includes the assessment
and reflection.
1. Must be over the age of 18 years old.
2. Must be in a committed romantic relationship (committed dating, situationship,
living together, partnership, married, etc.)
Please be informed that this research study does not offer monetary compensation for
participation. We truly appreciate your time, effort, and commitment.
Emotional Discomfort:
Engaging in discussions about relationship dynamics may evoke
emotional discomfort or distress. It is essential to be aware that reflecting
on certain aspects of your relationship could bring up challenging
emotions. If you or your partner experience emotional distress during or
after participating in this study, immediate support is available. If you need
to speak with someone, please call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255, text
"HOME" to 741741) or reach out to local mental health services
Changing Relationship Dynamics:
Participation in the study may lead to increased awareness of certain
aspects of your relationship. This heightened awareness could potentially
impact the nature of your relationship or your thought processes
surrounding it. While the goal is to enhance understanding, there is a risk
that such insights may introduce changes.
Insight into Relationship Dynamics:
Participating in the study provides an opportunity to gain valuable insights
into the dynamics of your relationship. The assessment and subsequent
discussions may enhance your understanding of each other's needs,
expectations, and communication styles.
Contribution to Research:
By participating in this study, you contribute valuable information to the
field of relationship dynamics. Your insights may help researchers and
professionals better understand the impact of assessments on couples'
awareness of their relationship needs.
Your privacy is of utmost importance. All information collected during this study will be
kept confidential. Data will be anonymized, and no identifiable information will be
shared in any research publications.
Voluntary Participation:
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You have the right to withdraw at
any time without any consequences. If you choose to withdraw, your data will be
excluded from the study. Your decision to participate or withdraw will not affect your
current or future relationship with the researcher, the institution, or any involved parties.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or concerns about the study, you may contact the researcher,
Dr. John Jacob, at or (840) 800-2080.
By electronically signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the
information provided in this consent form. You voluntarily agree to participate in this
study, and acknowledge that you are over the age of 18.